3 ways to train yourself to get in shape

3 ways to train yourself to get in shape

1. Find a workout partner who has goals similar to yours

2. Create a plan with your workout partner that includes how often you will work out, what time of day you will work out, and how long the workouts should last

3. Set aside time in your schedule for working out – don’t let anything get in the way of it!

Getting in shape is a journey that requires dedication and hard work. It can be frustrating at times, but there are ways to make the process more manageable. Here are three tricks for getting in shape:

1) Start slow.  Setting big goals won’t get you anywhere if you can’t stick with them long enough to see results. Instead, start by picking something small – like taking the stairs instead of an elevator or walking your dog after dinner every night – and build from there as it becomes easier for you to do more and push yourself harder. 2) Reward yourself when you’ve achieved milestones! Don’t just focus on what’s directly in front of you; look back on your progress and give yourself some credit along the way so

We want you to be successful in your fitness goals. To help, we recommend that you set realistic goals for the week, month and year ahead of time so that they can be tracked more easily. You also need someone who will hold you accountable if those goals are not met. Find an accountability partner or join our program at Lightning Kicks now!